Imara ya Furaha

We Are Getting Married

Sally &​ Mark

Save The DatE

August 28th 2020

Our story

Imara Ya Furaha 

Meine Leidenschaft für Shows

Why do I participate in dog shows? Very simple, I love it. It is fascinating how I can work with the dog. It takes a certain rigor, full concentration and absolute trust between dog and human. I call it precision work. Without a doubt, it takes a thick skin. What a challenge.

Meine Vision für die Zucht

Healthy and active, without genetic diseases and with the lowest possible inbreeding coefficient - that's how they should be, our Rhodesian Ridgebacks. But that only works in the medium and long term if we focus on genetic diversity. 

No resentment and hostility. No envy and jealousy. 

A collaboration between Rhodesian Ridgeback lovers and breeders.

Meine Leidenschaft für Shows

Why do I participate in dog shows? Very simple, I love it. It is fascinating how I can work with the dog. It takes a certain rigor, full concentration and absolute trust between dog and human. I call it precision work. Without a doubt, it takes a thick skin. What a challenge.

Meine Vision für die Zucht

Healthy and active, without genetic diseases and with the lowest possible inbreeding coefficient - that's how they should be, our Rhodesian Ridgebacks. But that only works in the medium and long term if we focus on genetic diversity. 

No resentment and hostility. No envy and jealousy. 

A collaboration between Rhodesian Ridgeback lovers and breeders.

Our dogs

Personal websites

Success is a stairway, not a door.

Event Attractions

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.


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Parking Area

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Food & Drinks

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